July #1: Road Accident
July has not been very kind to me.
In the first week of July, I, officially, had my first road accident since getting my driver's license back in 2009. So here's how it all went down (briefly):
I was driving on a straight road and a motorcyclist, a 15 years old boy, didn't look left nor right before making a right turn. I tried to break and even swerved my car abruptly to the incoming direction land because there were no cars behind me nor were there any cars on the other land but he still hit me. According to him, he didn't know how to break the motorcycle he was riding, as it was a manual one. Being 15 years old, he obviously was riding without a license but that wasn't the worst part of it all. The worst part was the fact that he was riding without a helmet! Yeap, without! It was like he has a death wish or something.
Thankfully, there weren't any broken bones or head injuries. He only suffered from a minor scuff on his right leg. He definitely should thank his lucky star for he is safe, especially riding without a helmet or basic knowledge on how to control a manual motorcycle.
As it was my first road accident and a motorcyclist was involved, I was shaking the entire time. The first thought that came to mind when my car came to complete halt was "did I just killed a motorcyclist?". I couldn't sleep for the first week because my mind wonders how was the boy? Is he shaken up by the whole accident like I do? Did his father beats the crap out of him (his father just gives out that abusive parenting vibe)?
I did not file any police report as he begged me not too and said there would be repercussion for him if I do as he was riding without a license.
Being new in this situation, there wasn't much that I know how to do so S's cousin helped me out with the entire process - from dealing with the child's father to dealing with the workshop. I'm utterly grateful for his assistance because I wouldn't be able to settle it on my own. I felt extremely guilty as I wasted his entire day handling the accident when he had to do house visiting as it was Hari Raya. Thanks M and V.
Accident is such a hassle and I definitely would not want to be part of one ever again.
Now I'm hoping the repair job will be as good as my expectation or exceeds it. I can't imagine getting anything less than my expectation because I know for a fact that I would be pissed.