Wednesday, July 05, 2017

Where Have You Been?

It has been closed to a year since my last post, which was on 1st August 2016! *jaw drops*

It sure does not feel as long as it is supposed to but I guess life has got the best of me, and the worst part is I'm not even exaggerating.

Let's start with a simple introduction, shall we?

Hi there, I'm Serena and I'm a mother guardian of a three years old sloth, of whom you may wish to follow on Instagram (@ZaratheSloth). She's all kind of cuteness but she's extremely slow. At times, she's a monster but which three years old are not, right? So there's that.

As for my career, an Internal Auditor, who rarely does audit work. I'd say my position has changed to Accounts Executive and my day-to-day tasks include but not limited to managing full-set accounting and overseeing the controls for inventories, however my boss would probably disagree. As far as he is concern, managing full-set accounting is a part-time task whilst auditing is a full-time task for me. The jokes are probably on me but I'm getting paid to do both, so...

Aside from child and work, my life consist mostly of Korean Drama! Oh boy, the addiction is real, and this is coming from a person, who once said she'll never watch KDrama and doesn't understand the hype over it. Hypocrite much? I apologize for making such thoughtless comment. If you're wondering, I mainly watch their romantic comedy only. It has that good kind of cheesy romantic - that I can never get enough of.

The things I should be doing but have not (#unmotivatedsheep):
  • 1. losing weight - before I had the responsibility over another being, I was actively participating in Muay Thai classes every other days. And honestly, I enjoyed it a lot. However, a child pop out of no where and was two then, so I had to stop. Now that there's a helper, the gym has dedicated to move further away (40 minutes drive) from its already far away location (20 minutes drive) due to the hike in rental. Can someone please open a decent gym in Miri? Sean Wong of Gymbox, I'm looking at you!

  • 2. finishing either one of the courses - CPA Australia or CIA USA - again I was forced to take a leave of absent from CPA Australia because (1) daddy thinks I can't juggle all three (work, child, and study) at once. He asked me to wait till he retires (in two to three years time), where he would take turn to look after the sloth. Be grateful child because just look at the things I've to give up to raise you. (2) what daddy says is true - I can't juggle all three. Some would argue that it depends on my willpower and how much I want it but I know me and I know well, I wouldn't be able to do it. So what's the point of paying knowing that I will not do well, in other words, fail?

  • 3. attending seminars that would benefit me - not just any seminars but the ones that could benefit my career, ones that are organized by IIA Malaysia. I've been looking at it but never took the plunge to attend any. 

  • 4. start investing - any recommendations? 

So that's a glimpse of my life over my nearly one year hiatus.